Feb 17, 2023
5 minute read

Figma Tips & Tricks

Hierographx highly values the impact of design on project success, and we have extensively tested a variety of design tools to determine the most effective option for our team. Our research has demonstrated that Figma is an exceptionally versatile and useful tool due to its intuitive interface and robust collaboration features. Here are some of the tips and tricks we have learned along the way!

Use Components and Styles

Figma offers a vast array of features to help designers save precious time during the design process. The shining star of Figma's arsenal of features is the impressive components and styles options that enable designers to create a streamlined, unified design system. This revolutionary feature makes design work effortless, like sipping a margarita on a tropical beach.

Using Figma's components and styles, designers can create a library of frequently used design elements, such as buttons and navigation menus, to ensure a consistent design across the entire project. With Figma's components and styles, designers can achieve incredible design consistency without spending long hours on customization, freeing up more time to binge-watch their favorite shows.

Figma's components and styles features are a game-changer, revolutionizing the design process for designers worldwide. This innovative tool has quickly become an invaluable asset to many design teams, helping them achieve seamless and streamlined designs with ease. Figma's components and styles make design work feel like a vacation!

Take Advantage of Plugins

Figma is a design platform that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of its users. One of the most exciting and transformative aspects of Figma's evolution is the development of plugins that extend the functionality of the platform. Figma's plugins are a game-changer, as they offer designers the ability to customize their workflows and design processes to an unprecedented level.

Among the many plugins available on Figma, two stand out as particularly beneficial to designers. Firstly, the Stark plugin is a powerful tool for ensuring that designs are accessible for all users. Accessibility is a critical aspect of the design process, and the Stark plugin offers designers an efficient and streamlined way to ensure that their designs meet accessibility standards. Stark offers a suite of tools that checks for contrast ratios, identifies color-blindness issues, and offers suggestions for color combinations that can be read by all users.

Another must-have plugin is Content Reel, which generates placeholder content that designers can use while developing their designs. This plugin is an invaluable time-saver, allowing designers to quickly insert placeholder text and images into their designs, so they can focus on refining the layout and design without worrying about the final content.

Utilize Auto Layout

Auto Layout is a feature found in many of the leading design and development tools, such as Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma. This powerful tool allows for the creation of dynamic and flexible designs that are responsive to different screen sizes, devices, and content. With the help of Auto Layout, manual adjustments to size, position, and spacing of design elements are no longer necessary, as the software handles it all. This not only saves time and effort, but also guarantees consistency in designs across different platforms and devices.

Auto Layout uses constraints and rules to determine the position and size of elements within a design. These rules specify how elements should be positioned relative to each other, how they should adjust to changes in screen size, and how they should adapt to the content they contain. This results in designs that are optimized for various screen sizes and resolutions and look great on both desktop and mobile devices.

Collaborate with Team Members

Figma's collaboration features are the life of the party! With the ability to work in real-time with team members, leave comments that will have everyone in stitches, and track changes like a boss, teamwork has never been so fun and efficient. It's like having a virtual design party, where everyone gets to bring their ideas to the table and have a good time.

One of the standout benefits of Figma's collaboration features is the ability to receive instant feedback from team members that's as quick as a joke. With the power of comments, you can get a laugh (and some valuable insights) on your designs in no time. And let's be real, in fast-paced environments, time is money, and quick iteration is the key to meeting deadlines and staying in the black. So why not have some fun while you're at it?

Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

Designers, step up your game with Figma's keyboard shortcuts! These valuable resources are the secret weapon for streamlining your workflow and boosting productivity. Say goodbye to repetitive clicks and hello to lightning-fast actions. With just a few keystrokes, you can create new frames, duplicate objects, or select multiple elements with ease. Mastering Figma's keyboard shortcuts is like obtaining a superpower, allowing you to work smarter, not harder. Elevate your design process and enhance your efficiency with Figma's keyboard shortcuts.

Use the Grid and Ruler

Design like a boss with Figma's grid and ruler tools! Say goodbye to wonky layouts and hello to designs that are both beautiful and functional. With these tools, you'll have a solid foundation for creating masterpieces that are not only easy on the eyes, but also a breeze to navigate.

Think of the grid tool in Figma as your design sidekick, helping you set up a series of horizontal and vertical lines for placement and sizing reference. No more eyeballing it, your designs will be perfectly balanced and consistent. And with the ruler tool, you'll have the precision of a superhero, measuring distances and aligning elements with ease. No design challenge is too big, no measurement too small!

Experiment with Variants

Say goodbye to the tedious process of manual adjustments and multiple copies, and hello to Figma's variant feature! This game-changing tool is the secret weapon for designers who want to streamline their design process and experiment with different styles and options. With just a few clicks, you can quickly create multiple versions of a design element, such as a button, and find the one that's perfect for your project.

Gone are the days of spending hours creating multiple copies and making manual adjustments. With Figma's variant feature, you can now generate multiple variations in a flash, giving you more time to focus on what really matters: designing the next big thing. So, unleash your inner creativity and let Figma's variant feature do the heavy lifting. Your designs will thank you!


By using these Figma tips and tricks, our website design company has been able to create stunning designs efficiently and effectively. Whether you're a seasoned Figma user or just getting started, we hope these tips help take your designs to the next level.

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