Feb 12, 2022
4 minute read

Value of Ecommerce Development

There are lots of tools available for ecommerce that are smart, intuitive and handy. They can also be confusing, tough to integrate and costly if not implemented correctly. Fret not! Hierographx has you covered!

E-commerce Development

Andy Dunn, owner of an online clothing store called Bonobos, was an ambitious entrepreneur. His online marketplace was lagging, but his intrepid promotional sense kicked in. Dunn launched a concentrated push to drive revenue and his client base with a full-court marketing press to offer a sixty percent off sale. Consumer response, of course, was staggering: a thing that would have most entrepreneurs thrilled.

But as the response ramped up suddenly, Andy was mortified to discover that his website and its marketplace lacked the infrastructure to handle the sudden (and welcomed!) slam of traffic. He also discovered, too late, that a large number of micro frustrations in the user experience were leaving an immensely negative imprint on his overall brand.

A dramatic price slash and marketing push that could have otherwise proven worth the investment thus turned into a tremendous loss for the company. Frustrated users solidified a negative perception of their experience, and Andy was out in the cold, before he even started, as relayed through Business 2 Community.

At Hierographx, we know that this scenario is not at all uncommon. For Dunn, the marketing push was effective, but the sudden increase in traffic to his platform proved disastrous. Instead of happy consumers getting acquainted with his brand and telling others, the various failings within the platform became glaringly obvious in the most public way possible.

E-commerce is not as easy as throwing products online through handy sales widgets, and hoping droves of internet users will take the bait. Developing an online business is as complex as developing a brick and mortar business. It requires the same kind of scrutiny and legwork to gain understanding and insight one needs to successfully navigate the waters of commerce.

At Hierographx, we get it. We really do. That’s why we’re offering up insights into what’s out there for online marketers, and what it could mean for your business.

Development Platforms: Making the Right Choice

There are a multitude of platforms and plug-ins available to help online businesses succeed beyond expectations. Many package themselves as rather plug & play, but as Mr. Dunn’s circumstances have illustrated above–the integration of these tools can be tricky.Selecting the proper platform and integrating it with your design smoothly is absolutely crucial in developing an online business. Hierographx can help navigate the plethora of platforms floating around cyberspace by implementing what’s best for your business.With research-based analytics and broad expertise, we are in the business of creating a smooth marketplace experience. It’s a priority that matters. “The success of an online business is highly based on the user experience of the website's design. It should be attractive and smooth by which the visitors can easily interact and understand. UX helps you in converting leads to customers quickly. Setting up a good UX/UI is a task of a front-end developer and web designer.” (Digital Doughnut)

Here are just a few platforms currently in use by many online ecommerce sites:


An open-source e-commerce platform that hundreds of thousands of online businesses have used to create online stores. Magento has a lot of pluses. Nearly 60% of all online websites are powered by Magento, which offers flexibility, scalability and a business oriented, ROI focus (selfgrowth).


WooCommerce, like Magento, is also an open-source platform. It’s free to use and is also among the most popular platform for e-commerce development. It offers a  WordPress plugin, it’s regarded as user friendly and touts over five million users and counting (sitenerdy).


Shopaholic’s core plugin is provided free of charge from Laravel-powered October CMS. The Shopaholic website calls its plugin “the most popular e-commerce ecosystem” no matter the size of the online store. “Shopaholic is ideal…provides a comprehensive e-commerce solution, which includes an ecosystem of extensions (both free and paid ones) to further enhance it.

The Value of an Online Marketplace

Continuous availability, the ease of comparative shopping and accessible product information at the users’ fingertips are some of the appealing features of online shopping. Folks don’t want to leave their house just to read a label, or look at a box to find out what features a product might offer. Consumers want a fast, efficient and more importantly, trouble-free shopping experience. “Online businesses have the opportunity and the responsibility to smoothen the customer decision-making process. This can be done by streamlining digital commerce experiences that provide the customers with the information that they’re looking for…” (Oberlo). Online shopping provides access to reviews from other consumers along with Q&A sections and other useful information that can positively influence purchasing decisions and increase conversions significantly. 

Putting It All Together: The Future of E-commerce

Understanding the nuances of the digital marketplace and ensuring seamless integration with your online ecosystem is paramount. As a top-tier web development company in Saginaw, MI, Hierographx is uniquely positioned to guide you in selecting and optimizing the right platforms for your business. It's essential to recognize that not all platforms align perfectly with every business model or guarantee immediate success.

With Hierographx, you benefit from our expertise in crafting bespoke e-commerce websites. Our seasoned developers pinpoint strategies tailored to your business, ensuring your online store stands out. From renowned platforms to custom integrations, our commitment is to deliver exceptional e-commerce development prioritizing user experience.

E-commerce isn't just a trend; it's the driving force of contemporary sales and a crucial ingredient for thriving businesses. Trust in Hierographx to architect the ideal e-commerce foundation for you. Yes, we've got you covered!

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