Mar 09, 2023
3 minute read

10 SEO Mistakes You're Probably Making

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a crucial part of any effective digital marketing strategy. Nevertheless, despite its significance, optimizing a website for search engines is still a common mistake made by businesses. Hierographx, a Michigan SEO company, shares 10 common SEO errors you're probably making in this blog post, along with advice on how to correct them for increased search engine visibility.

1. Neglecting Mobile Optimization

It's crucial to make sure your website is mobile-friendly because the majority of online searches are conducted on mobile devices. The user experience can be enhanced and your website can perform better in mobile search results by using a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes. To make your mobile pages load faster and raise your rankings in mobile search, you can also think about implementing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

2. Ignoring Local SEO

Local SEO can be essential for boosting foot traffic to your business if you have a physical location. Include your company's name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website and in other online directories, and optimize it for local keywords. You might also think about creating a Google My Business page, which can make you more visible in local search results and give prospective customers useful information.

3. Focusing Too Much on Keywords

Although keywords are crucial for SEO, using too many of them at once can actually lower your rankings. Instead, concentrate on producing engaging content that naturally includes relevant keywords. To increase your chances of showing up for pertinent search queries, use long-tail keywords, which are more specialized and less competitive than broad keywords.

4. Ignoring Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

The two most important components of on-page SEO are title tags and meta descriptions. They give search engines and users details about the content of your page. Make sure your meta descriptions and title tags are precise, evocative, and contain your target keywords. To ensure that they appear correctly in search results, keep your titles and meta descriptions to no more than 60 and 160 characters, respectively.

5. Not Creating Quality Backlinks

Backlinks from trustworthy websites can significantly improve your website's search engine rankings. However, stay away from spammy backlinks from subpar websites as these can actually lower your rankings. Concentrate on creating excellent content that other websites will want to link to. Message relevant websites and offer to guest post or to provide them with useful content so they can link back to it.

6. Neglecting Image Optimization

Images can add visual appeal to your website while also slowing page load times if they are not properly optimized. Use descriptive alt text, compress your image files, and reduce the size of your image files to speed up the loading of your website. You might also consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to improve the performance of your website.

7. Overlooking Technicalities

Technical SEO entails improving your website's technical features like page load time, mobile optimization, and structured data markup. Your search engine rankings can suffer significantly if technical SEO is neglected. To find and address technical issues on your website, use tools like Google's Search Console.

8. Using Duplicate Content

Your website's search engine rankings can be harmed by duplicate content, which is content that appears on multiple pages. Use distinctive, excellent content on each page of your website. Avoid using boilerplate content on multiple pages and use canonical tags to specify which version of the page should be indexed.

9. Not Monitoring Analytics

For tracking your progress and identifying areas for improvement, it's essential to keep an eye on your website's analytics. Track the traffic to, and bounce rate of, your website using programs like Google Analytics. By doing so, you can determine which pages and keywords are succeeding and which ones require improvement. Utilize this information to make informed decisions about your SEO strategy and to continuously improve the performance of your website.

10. Neglecting Local Listings

By utilizing local listings like Google My Business, you can increase the visibility of your website in local search results. Make sure the details about your business are correct and up to date, and encourage customers to leave reviews. By responding to both positive and negative customer reviews, you can improve your online reputation and bring in more clients.


By staying away from these common SEO blunders, your website's visibility and search engine rankings can be significantly improved. If you require assistance with your SEO strategy, get in touch with our Michigan SEO company, Hierographx, right away for qualified guidance and support. With the assistance of our qualified team of experts, we can help you improve your online presence.

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